En Mi Jewels - Exclusive Handcrafted Jewelry

I love working with silver. Creating silver jewelry – a timeless choice for adornment. Silver combines affordability and malleability, making it a staple in the jewelry industry for thousands of years. Sterling silver’s versatility and unique qualities keep it at the forefront of modern designs, favored by many artists and appreciated by consumers seeking stylish silver chains, silver rings, silver hoop earrings, and beaded bracelets.

Understanding Silver Quality – 3 Types of Silver in Jewelry

  1. Sterling Silver (92.5%): Predominantly used in jewelry, sterling silver consists of 92.5% pure silver and 7.5% other metals, typically copper, enhancing its durability and maintaining its lustrous appearance. This alloy is known for its bright and shiny finish but requires maintenance as it tarnishes over time. *I used .925 (for it’s durability) to make all my handmade pieces. 
  2. Fine Silver (99.9%): Representing a purer form, fine silver contains 99.9% silver, making it softer and more prone to damage, which limits its use primarily to less handled jewelry pieces like earrings and necklaces.
  3. Silver Plated and Silver Filled: Silver-plated jewelry has only a thin layer of silver over a base metal, which may wear off, while silver-filled pieces contain a thicker layer of silver bonded to a base metal, offering slightly better durability but still less than sterling silver.

      Identifying Quality Silver Jewelry

      • Hallmarks and Stamps: Always check for hallmarks such as ‘925’, ‘sterling’, or ‘Ster’, which indicate the purity of the silver. These markings are a standard for identifying quality sterling silver.
      • Physical Properties: High-quality silver should not attract a magnet, and real silver will turn a polishing cloth black, indicating its authenticity.

      Considerations and Tests for Silver Quality

      • Acid Test: A drop of nitric acid can help verify the silver’s purity; a creamy white reaction suggests high-quality silver, while a green reaction indicates silver plating.
      • Weight and Sound: Genuine silver jewelry is heavier and produces a distinct, rich sound when struck, compared to lower quality metals.
      • Price and Appearance: While higher quality silver is generally more expensive, price should not be the sole indicator of quality. Observing the craftsmanship and overall finish can also provide insights into the material’s quality.

      Factors to Consider Before Buying

      Design and Quality

      When selecting silver jewelry, it’s crucial to choose a design that reflects your personal style and is crafted to last. Look for pieces without visible defects like scratches or dents, as high-quality silver should be durable and resistant to such damage. The design should not only appeal to your aesthetic but also ensure longevity.

      Pricing and Seller Reliability

      Silver jewelry prices fluctuate based on market trends, with current prices being significantly lower than they were a decade ago, making it an opportune time for investment. Choosing a reputable seller is equally important, especially online. Check for good reviews and confirm if they guarantee the authenticity of their products.

      Environmental and Stylistic Considerations

      Consider eco-friendly options like recycled silver, which supports environmental sustainability Also, think about how the jewelry matches with your wardrobe and occasions. For everyday wear, opt for simpler, versatile designs, while more elaborate pieces might be reserved for formal events. Mixing silver with other metals like gold can create a striking look, offering more variety in accessorizing.

      Choosing Silver Jewelry with Gemstones

      Silver jewelry adorned with gemstones combines the lustrous appeal of silver with the vibrant colors of various stones, creating pieces that are both timeless and versatile. When selecting gemstone silver jewelry, it’s essential to consider both the design and the quality of craftsmanship. Superior craftsmanship not only ensures the durability and longevity of the jewelry but also enhances the natural beauty of the gemstones used.

      Understanding Gemstone Quality

      Gemstone quality is pivotal in choosing the right piece of jewelry. It’s important to understand the hardness of the gemstones, as this affects their durability and suitability for different types of jewelry. Gems like diamonds, sapphires, and rubies, with a hardness of 8 or higher on the Mohs scale, are durable and ideal for everyday wear. In contrast, softer gems such as emeralds, aquamarines, and tourmalines are more vulnerable and are better suited for less frequently worn items like earrings and pendants.

      Types of Jewelry Settings

      The setting of a gemstone in silver jewelry significantly impacts both its aesthetics and functionality. Here are some common types of settings:

      • Bezel Setting: This involves a metal rim that holds the gemstone by encircling its outer edge. It is versatile and secure, requiring minimal maintenance, although it may make the gemstone appear slightly darker.
      • Prong Setting: Typically involves four to eight thin metal tines that hold the gemstone in place. This setting allows maximum light exposure, enhancing the stone’s color, but it leaves parts of the gemstone more exposed and potentially vulnerable.
      • Channel Setting: Gemstones are set closely together between vertical metal walls, which protect the stones and create a smooth, ribbon-like appearance. This setting is suited for stones cut in round, square, or baguette shapes.
      • Pavé Setting: Small stones are set very close to each other, giving the appearance of a continuous surface of gems. This setting is often used for accent stones and creates the illusion of a larger singular gemstone.

      Selecting the right setting involves balancing the aesthetic appeal with the practical aspects of jewelry care and wearability.

      Caring for Your Silver Jewelry

      Regular Cleaning and Storage

      1. Regular Cleaning: To maintain the natural luster of sterling silver, regular cleaning with silver polishing cloths or silver polish cream is essential. For a deeper clean, a mixture of baking soda and water can be used.
      2. Dry Storage: Store silver in individual, air-tight bags with anti-tarnish properties to prevent exposure to tarnishing elements like humidity and air. Ensure each piece of jewelry is unclasped and unhooked to avoid scratches.
      3. Avoid Chemicals: Keep your silver jewelry away from harsh chemicals found in household cleaners, perfumes, and cosmetics. Also, remove jewelry during activities that may expose it to chemicals, such as swimming or cleaning.

          Preventative Measures for Tarnishing

          • Frequent Wear: Wearing silver jewelry often can help maintain its shine as the skin’s natural oils aid in keeping it polished.
          • Proper Handling: Always put jewelry on last to minimize contact with lotions and makeup, and take it off during activities that could expose it to harsh substances.
          • Sunlight and Heat Exposure: Limit the exposure of your silver jewelry to direct sunlight and extreme temperatures to prevent oxidation.

          Professional Care and DIY Solutions

          • Annual Professional Cleaning: It is advisable to schedule an annual professional cleaning to ensure thorough maintenance and care of your silver jewelry.
          • DIY Cleaning Solutions: For home-based care, gentle soap and water are recommended for routine cleaning. For more severe tarnish, consider using a mixture of white vinegar and baking soda, allowing the jewelry to soak for two to three hours before polishing with a specific cloth for sterling silver.

          Summing it All Up

          Through this comprehensive guide, I’ve outlined the nuanced landscape of silver jewelry, delving into the significance of sterling silver’s purity, the distinguishing marks of quality craftsmanship, and the enchanting world of gemstone-adorned silver pieces. The insights provided aim to empower you with the knowledge to choose silver jewelry that not only enhances your personal style but also stands the test of time, balancing aesthetic appeal with durability. Furthermore, this guide underscores the importance of adopting responsible practices in the maintenance and care of silver jewelry, ensuring that these treasures retain their sparkle and significance for years to come.

          In the quest to make informed decisions about silver jewelry selection, it becomes clear that understanding the intricacies of silver quality, the artistry of design, and the practicalities of jewelry care are paramount. As you reflect on this journey of discovery, remember the joy and beauty that well-chosen handmade silver jewelry can bring to everyday life. Take a moment to share this guide with those who appreciate the timeless beauty of silver jewelry, furthering the appreciation of this exquisite art form.


          Embrace the elegance of the double heart ring, a symbol of unity in its purest form. This exquisite sterling silver ring is not only a timeless piece of jewelry, but also a heartfelt gift for your beloved, yourself, or anyone dear to your heart. On those special occasions, it serves as a reminder of enduring love and makes an unforgettable present. Presenting a double heart ring is more than just a gesture; it is a profound expression of affection, a way to convey those three magical words: "I love you."

          • 1.5mm x 1mm .925 Sterling Silver band
          • 2 hearts created by melting down recycled silver and forming into their heart shapes
          • .925 hallmark stamp | Official En Mi stamp

          Production time: 1-2 weeks. Your piece will be made, by me, in my shop located in NJ, USA

          *You will receive a treated polishing cloth with your order.

          *Pricing is reflective of all SOLID material used to create this piece.

          Please ensure you select your proper ring size. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me.



          Haywood embodies different meanings for different individuals. For some, it represents a bold and alluring woman who exudes self-confidence. For others, it captures the essence of their flower-power charm. Personally, I adore wearing Haywood. This ring complements various outfits, from elegant evening gowns to casual denim shorts and a tee, or even when you're not wearing anything at all. Haywood boosts my confidence and enables me to truly connect with myself. It's a captivating piece that catches people's attention and reveals that unique aspect of your personality. This ring is handmade, so like snowflakes, no two Haywood rings are the same. Let Haywood be you! DETAILS
          • Each band is 3mm x .75mm
          • 1mm wire used to create wisps
          • Available in .925 Sterling Silver or 14/18K Gold (white or yellow)
          • Hallmarked with .925 or 14k | Official En Mi stamp
          • Handmade in NJ, USA & Handmade for you.
          *Please ensure you specific your exact ring size. *This handmade sterling silver ring comes with a treated polishing cloth for you to keep your piece looking like new.



          This handmade silver ring exudes a sense of timeless beauty and craftsmanship. The two ends of the ring are delicately bridged together by a golden rope, creating a stunning contrast that catches the eye. It is a symbol of connection and unity, as if two souls are bound together for eternity. The intricate details and careful design make this ring a truly unique piece of art. It reminds us that love and connection can withstand the test of time, just like the bridge that spans across the ends of eternity. This ring is not just a piece of jewelry, but a meaningful token that can be cherished for a lifetime.

          • 3mm x 1.5mm handcrafted .925 Sterling Silver band
          • 14K gold bridge (hand hammered texture)
          • 14k hallmark stamp | Official En Mi stamp

          Production time: 1-2 weeks. Your piece will be made, by me, in my shop located in NJ, USA

          *You will receive a treated polishing cloth with your order.

          *Pricing is reflective of all SOLID material used to create this piece.

          Please ensure you select your proper ring size. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me.
