I believe that LITTLE things and SMALL changes mean a lot, especially when it comes to being a better you. Adopting healthy habits will help you feel better, look better and be happier. Check out my 12-Step Recipe to a Better You!
- Be and stay hydrated! There are many studies and thoughts that recommend reaching for a glass of water and drinking, when you first get up, is beneficial to your early mental well-being, some calorie burning due to cold water being brought up to body temperature inside an empty stomach, and replenishing liquids lost during sleep. Staying hydrated throughout the day helps keep the energy levels up, makes you feel fuller which could lead to less eating and does wonderful things for the skin and hair. So, start the day off right!
- I started working out professionally many years ago and as a result I was crowned the World Natural Figure Champion six times! I don’t compete anymore, or take photos for magazines, but I still work out, every morning, every day. Working out became an addiction years ago, and it still is today. This is a major competent to a recipe for a better you.Exercising comes in many shapes and forms making it easy to do it and be healthy every day. Take a ten-minute walk around the block. Do you commute to work? Why not get off at a stop early and walk from there? Take a yoga class or two. If you’re heading out shopping, try parking further from the entrance instead of as close as you can get. There is a plethora of YouTube videos you can explore that cater to working out from the comfort of your home.
The KEY is finding something you LIKE to do. If you like it, you will continue to do it, and if you continue to do it, you will see results and those results will keep you motivated. Living a healthy lifestyle is important. - Get more protein in your diet: Protein is an essential amino acid to keep your hair and nails healthy and strong. It also helps maintain muscle tone and strength. Consume foods that are high in protein like salmon, chicken, eggs, nuts, meat, protein shakes. Don’t over-eat! Drinking a glass of water before your meal will help suppress your appetite.Set up an eating cut-off time. What do I mean by this? Make it a goal to stop eating after a certain time of the day. For example, try not to eat anything after 7PM. This could be challenging to do seven days a week, so setting realistic expectations is essential. Shot for a meal cut-off time of 7PM at least 4 or 5 days a week.
- Try to eat more than 2-3 times a day. Having small meals every 3-4 hours will keep you satisfied, improve your metabolism, increase energy, and potentially cause weight loss if you are selecting the right foods.
- Be grateful for the small things. Take a few seconds every day to appreciate what you have, how you feel, and how you make others feel. It goes a long way and does the mind good. Appreciating who you are and who you have around you is a wonderful and feel-good emotion.
- Spend more time with family and friends, talk, love, laugh, walk, play, eat delicious foods, hug, kiss, feel the love.
- Go outside, breathe air, soak the sun. Fresh air and sunshine can help you improve your mood, it’s also a great way to recharge your energy and renew your motivation.
- Find a hobby that you don’t yet know and may love. Finding something that you are passionate about and learning it could be lots of fun and make you feel good during the learning process.
- Find “me time”. Find ways to take time for yourself and enjoy the benefits of slowing down or simply doing things that YOU want to do.
- Go shopping for a new outfit or a new pair of shoes, something about buying something for yourself whether you need it or not, the simple act of gifting yourself is a feel-good little thing.
- Do something nice for others.
- Get enough sleep, it helps improve your performance, mood and overall health…make sure is good quality sleep to get all the benefits and feel your best when you get up in the morning.
I would love to hear your comments, what you think about this 12-Step Recipe to be a Better You