En Mi Jewels - Exclusive Handcrafted Jewelry
Angela Mraz - En Mi Jewels

About Angela

My ultimate goal with En Mi Jewels is to spread joy, happiness, and inspire self-assurance in the lives of others. Each day, I am motivated by the immense satisfaction of knowing that the commitment, passion, and affection I pour into every creation will be cherished by its recipient. The most rewarding part of my day is when I meticulously prepare and package your special item, taking a moment to admire its beauty and the craftsmanship I have put into it. As I seal the package, I am filled with anticipation and wonder, picturing the emotions you will feel when you open it and see it on the day it arrives.

Handmade jewelry is a timeless treasure that not only reflects cherished memories but also captures new ones. The perfect piece can become your personal lucky charm, enhancing your beauty, boosting your confidence, and strengthening your resilience. Even if you don’t believe in the healing properties of crystals, simply appreciating their natural beauty can uplift your mood. The right piece of jewelry allows you to express yourself genuinely or, when given as a gift, convey your love and gratitude for someone else.

Believing in the possibility of making dreams come true is what drives my passion to be and stay healthy, work hard, and preserve.

I was born and raised in Colombia, SA as an only child and solely by my mother who did her best to support us. Our house was small; one tiny bedroom, a kitchenette, a bathroom with only a shower, and a living room my mom converted into a small store where she sold school supplies and candy.

Growing up I always dreamt of going to America – the land of golden opportunities, and at the age of nineteen, I made that dream come true. Getting from Colombia to the U.S. was quite the ordeal, but a week after leaving Colombia I was safely in New Jersey living with my aunt.

Fast forward a year or so, I was working as an evening shift housekeeper at a local hospital where I met a man who, a year later, would ask me to marry him. I said yes, and in February of 2024, we will celebrate thirty-two years of marriage!

We make a nearly perfect couple – nothing in a partnership between two people is perfect, right? Joe is a hard worker and a big dreamer as well and we push and encourage each other to do and be better.

En Mi Jewelry is a culmination of my past experiences, triumphs, and joys. My desire is to create jewelry that has transformative power – designs that embody strength, courage, beauty, and authenticity. I want my pieces to evoke a sense of empowerment and to inspire individuals to dream big, work hard, and never give up!

Contact  Angela

En Mi Impact Pillars

Physical Well-Being & Health

I support the continuous drive toward positive mental and physical health. It’s such and important aspect of our lives that often gets neglected. Taking care of our bodies not only benefits us physically, but also mentally. Health fitness is not just about having a toned body, it is about feeling strong, energetic, and confident in our own skin. When we engage in regular exercise and eat a balanced diet, we are ensuring that our bodies are functioning optimally. This leads to improved mental health as well, as exercise releases endorphins which are known as the “feel-good” hormones.

Physical Well Being
EN MI Young Women Empowerment

Young Women Empowerment

Young women empowerment is not just a trend; it’s a movement that is gaining momentum every day. It’s incredible to witness the positive change that is happening in our communities as more and more people recognize the importance of empowering young women.

I support Latina leaders who are breaking barriers and inspiring the next generation of young women. They are proving that success knows no bounds and that with hard work and determination, anything is possible. These role models are showing young women that they have the power to make a difference in their communities and beyond. By seeing others who have gone before them, they are empowered to dream big and strive for greatness.

Artesian Made

I am a strong advocate for supporting small businesses that create handmade products. Whenever I can, I collaborate with these artisans to merge their unique artistry with my own, with the ultimate aim of crafting the perfect piece of jewelry. Each and every one of our jewelry items is meticulously crafted by hand, using only the finest precious metals and gemstones. What sets my creations apart is the infusion of passion and love that goes into each piece. My goal is to empower the wearer, instilling a sense of confidence, beauty, and inspiration to create lasting memories.

En Mi Shop - En Mi Jewels

Responsible Materials

I am a strong advocate for the ethical procurement of all the materials used in the production of my jewelry. Whenever feasible, we utilize recycled materials in crafting our pieces. Our commitment to fair trade and conflict-free gemstones is unwavering, as we strive to create jewelry that is not only durable but also sustainable in the long run.

Animal Adoption Advocacy

I am a strong animal adoption advocate. I firmly believe that homeless animals have rights and desire a family that will love them by giving them an exceptional quality of life. At En Mi, I support my local animal welfare group and personally have rescued three of the most wonderful cats. Know that part of your proceeds goes to supporting our local animal shelter.

Animal Advocate

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